Exhibition 2019
From 1960 onwards annual exhibitions were held at the purpose-built Museum Galleries at Great Yarmouth Library but in 1999 the Society were told by Norfolk County Council that in the future they would have only shared use. Twenty computers were moved into the galleries before the exhibition. The Society negotiated with Norfolk County Council for three years culminating in a survey organised and financed by the Society, The survey proved that there was still a need for the galleries to be used solely for art. There were 220 questionnaires sent to artists and groups and 180 replies were received. After hard negotiations with the Director of Cultural Services at Norfolk County Council it was finally agreed that the galleries would be retained for art.
The Society’s President and Chairman were invited to serve on the Galleries Advisory Committee, a new group to be led by Mary Muir, Arts Development Officer for Norfolk. Thanks to the Society of Artists the purpose-built galleries which were given to the town were not only saved but were upgraded and a new hanging system installed.
In the early days exhibitions were hung by the Museum Staff who also printed the catalogues and did most of the publicity. Since the early 1990s their help was withdrawn by the County and the Society’s Committee was responsible for the entire administration of exhibitions.
In 1982 the Society appealed to its membership for money to build its own display screens. These gave the Society more flexibility and they were able to exhibit more widely. In addition to their Annual Exhibitions in the Library they exhibited twice at Christchurch during Yarmouth Week and at Pontin’s Holiday Camp, James Paget Hospital and Shrublands Youth and Adult Centre. Additional exhibitions were also held in Norwich and at Gorleston Church as part of the Gorleston Festival.